About MFN

Birth of Moonlight Foundation Nepal:

In 2009, a young man by the name of Santosh Koirala began The Moonlight Foundation with a mission to serve the underprivileged children of Nepal. In his own words, “If I were born into a middle class family, I may not have started this school. It is my dream to provide poor children an education to help them overcome poverty in the same way that I did.”

The Moonlight School only serves children living at or below the poverty level. If it were not for the Moonlight School, these children would be living on the streets. In fact, that is where new students are recruited, from the slums of Kathmandu. Although the school has grown considerably over the years, there are unfortunately many more children in Kathmandu living in dire conditions who need the opportunity of a basic education.

How MFN Started:

After a life-altering trip through beautiful Nepal in 2008, Jocelyn Luko- Sandstrom and Anthony Sandstrom were highly inspired by the kindness of their trek guide, Santosh Koirala, and his dream to open a school for underprivileged children. After collaborating with numerous sponsors in recent years, through various fundraising events in Hong Kong, the Sandstroms and many others around the world have supported Santosh with funding to help create the Moonlight Foundation Nepal charity school.

Our vision

Our vision is to provide a quality education for underprivileged children that help them to shape a better world and build a more sustainable future, self-dependence, success, and a happy life.

 “As the moon enlightens the earth, it replaces the darkness with it light. At Moonlight Foundation, we enlighten the children and replace ignorance and blind faith with the help of education“. 

The children of today are the adult citizens of tomorrow. Every child is unique and everyone has an innate ability. Moonlight School believes that education is a procedure of learning where knowledge, skills, and habits move from one generation to the other. Moreover, education is essential for the overall development of a human being. For instance, their personal, social as well as the economic development of the country are greatly influenced by the quality of their education. If we talk about the importance of education in our daily life, we have to admit that it improves our personal lives and helps in running our societies smoothly by protecting everyone including ourselves from the harmful and unexpected events.

The mission of this organization is to provide education free of cost to children who are disabled, orphans, helpless and destitute. This organization believes that no child should be deprived of receiving an education whether they are poor or rich, low caste or high caste, orphans or non-orphans.

To increase the number of students at Moonlight School, to become established as a model school for underprivileged and impoverished children to study, and to expand our philanthropic work while providing an education to many disadvantaged children from all over Nepal.

Why MFN Mission Started

You may be surprised to hear that in Nepal, even though it is regarded as a fundamental human right, many children are still being deprived of receiving a basic education because of poor economic conditions.

There are many kinds of suffering and pain that Nepali children must face. Some are living in the streets; some are working as child laborers in Nepal.  Accordingly, Moonlight Foundation Nepal School’s primary aim is to provide quality education that includes computer, dance, music, art and drawing to underprivileged, street & destitute children free of any cost.

So we have started this school to provide a quality education for underprivileged children that helps them shape a better world and build a more sustainable future, self-dependence, success, and a happy life.

We believe single efforts may not educate all of the needy children. However, we are working to expand our educational abilities, to cater for our children’s diverse lives. For Example: if we are only able to support 500 or 1000 or more children with an education, we inspire these children directly or indirectly to follow a path like their education-oriented mentors at the Moonlight Foundation Nepal. So our mission is not only educating children but also it is also a part of our dream that by helping a great number of children, each of these children will one day in turn begin to help other children in similar situations.

Demand-driven Projects

The children of today are the adult citizens of tomorrow and every child deserves the opportunity to learn. However, thousands of Nepalese children are still being deprived of receiving the education owed to them by their basic fundamental rights. They are exploited through various means. If we give those children a quality education today, in the future they can contribute to the development of their community, the development of their country, and even the improvement of the entire world. If a child is deprived of receiving an education today, the world will bear a great loss in the days to come. Hence, an educated person is an invaluable asset to the world. It is in response to this situation that we have established Moonlight Foundation Nepal to provide a quality education for underprivileged children that helps them shape a better world and build a more sustainable future, self-dependence, success, and a happy life. 


The Moonlight Foundation Nepal is private, nonprofit, nongovernmental and ensures that every donation is used as efficiently as possible to maximize impact. Our due diligence tracks, monitors, and allocates donations to our programs on the ground to catalyze sector-wide change to most impoverished communities children. We carefully monitor our administrative and fundraising expenditures to optimize efficiency and ensure control and transparency.

Our overhead costs are covered thanks to the generosity of its donors. This makes it possible for us to donate 100% of your contributions towards our programs. We take great pride in our financial efficiency, our transparency, and our accountability to investors and the communities we serve.

Our partners and supporters are the key to our success. Moonlight Foundation Nepal has always been based on collaboration, and without the investment of our fundraising and knowledge partners, the depth and scope of our work would not be possible. We are deeply grateful for the generosity that allows us to reach hundreds of underprivileged children and to raise the bar for quality education in Nepal.


About MFN